MERIT VS. SKIN COLOR- “WHITEES ARE OUT” P.S. National Women’s Month-Where’s MY CHECK?

Anna Fareheart
4 min readMar 8, 2021
Photo by Sushil Nash on Unsplash

International Women’s Day!

So, why do I feel so terrible today? Maybe it’s closet white-girl anger.

Our Ancestors have wronged the Indians, the Black people, the Jews, the Christians and let’s not forget the Irish! That, of course, is just a very small list of who has truly been wronged.

There are, of course, different degrees of who has been treated wrongly; please don’t think I’m that stupid. I realize I’m a white girl but I also realize the torture and wrong-doings that have been done to different races in a morally reprehensible way but hear me loud and clear:

I’m BEYOND sick of it; I didn’t do it so why don’t you back your f…ing train away from me with your daily anger once and for all.


My favorite movie is Mississippi Burning with Gene Hackman taking the bastard racists down. I wasn’t there and I didn’t feel their torture but I know it was wrong but I was not responsible for it and I am angered and pissed off that evidently 1/3 of this country thinks I should pay reparations.

No, I don’t get a “cookie” or a star for watching this movie but I shouldn’t get 10 lashes, either, for what one group of people did to another group of people more than 50 years ago.

I’m not a historian but if you really want to go down this black hole, I think we should learn who was truly involved in slave trade and who stopped all of this darkness and try to learn from the errors of our Ancestors but not be tortured because of who we came from.

If your father was a rapist or a murderer, then do we punish you and get reparations for the family harmed?

The people writing articles about the awful white people in this world have now apparently become the most racist people in the universe.

Hire so many “black” people vs. “white” people regardless of the merit behind the applicant.

Buy your bread from a black baker vs. a jewish baker.

Do NOT give loans to white people with naughty scores of systemic racism but let a person of color come first to the table. HUH?

SAT Scores? Screw it. You’re a minority? Welcome to Harvard. We’re so glad to have you. Asians with a 1599 score, thanks for applying but perhaps community college would be a better option for you. We’ve got our quota to fill.

Black good.

White bad.

It appears to be going just LIKE THAT-simple and absurd.

Don’t bash me for defending my honor. I’m a white girl. I was born to white parents who gave me away at birth and was raised by a polish farmer and Italian mother with a bad heart. All 4 of these people touching my life were white and had never harmed anyone in their lives.

I never thought I was a racist in a million years until I’ve had it shoved down my throat to the point where it’s actually scared me because I always believed I WAS and AM a good person.

I work and see people of color every day. I never thought twice about it. When I watch game shows, I’ve never “secretly” prayed the white girl would win over the asian girl, but now I’m told that I AM A RACIST and I must accept it and I MUST resign to the fact that reparations are owed.

There are a deluge of articles now that I can read to learn what “kind” of racist I am, which should help me determine how rotten my core really is.

So here it is, International Women’s Month. Should I stand up tall and proud or should I just stay at home and shame myself for being a white girl even though I am a female? It’s a tough one but the fact is, I’m feeling mildly depressed today. I’m getting ready for another “shit show” in Minneapolis with buildings on the verge of being destroyed, Cops verbally assassinated with planned and evidently accepted “unrest” starting again.

“White People-you are in trouble; we’re coming for you!”

Yes, I’m feeling rather paranoid as well.

I’m so tired.

If you want to discriminate against me, go for it! That’s on you. Karma sucks and you will pay the price with your Maker in another world.

I know who I am and my God knows who I am.

I pray for everyone to be safe this month-all colors included in my daily prayers!

Photo by Jacob Bentzinger on Unsplash



Anna Fareheart

BS in Social Sciences/Professional Careers in Health Care & Finance/Successful Failure and ongoing…Entrepreneur…PhD in “Running Down Those Rabbit Holes”