Anna Fareheart
2 min readFeb 6, 2021

You said it didn’t matter-Stop Looking at the Stats!

Who Are You REALLY Writing For?

Who is your audience and do you really care if no one follows you or gives you that periodic “clap?”

Come on now, you said you didn’t care but, then again, why are you looking at those dam stats everyday and the little beige picture of hands clapping ?

I told myself when I started I wasn’t going to be the “people-pleaser” and write on topics that were high on the hit list for readership. Why would I write about computer issues and stuff that I have no interest in simply to get a

“good job buddy let me slap you on the back”


Don’t let your self-esteem ticker go off the radar to the bottom of that yardstick simply because no one gave you a clap or two!

What’s in a clap?

You could ask your friends to clap but that would feel like a “whore clap” and you know you would go to sleep feeling like that girl that got the “pity fuck” and it would feel rather nasty and just dam dirty. Skip the requests for crying for acceptance from those that are supposed to already accept you, not to mention nobody even knows who you are.

photo by Anna Fareheart

I have reminded myself, again today, of my main rationale for writing on Medium. My personal goal is to write 1,000 words every day. It’s a good way to keep disciplined regardless of what you are writing, whether it’s a poem, a short snippit’ on something of interest to you or ongoing chapters in a book or two.

To my fellow writing friends, keep on writing what you love to write and when you’re done, go to the bathroom and pat yourself on the back and give yourself a big hug and then a few claps just because…

Photo by Writing Cooperative



Anna Fareheart

BS in Social Sciences/Professional Careers in Health Care & Finance/Successful Failure and ongoing…Entrepreneur…PhD in “Running Down Those Rabbit Holes”